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Irish Health Qi Gong Association®
Governing body in Ireland for the promotion of Chinese Health Qi Gong
John Collins 4th Duan Wei Head Instructor, International Coach

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Instructors have undertaken rigorous training to qualify with our association. Each Instructor act independently from the association and the association can take no responsibility for their actions. Please ensure that instructors hold a valid teaching cert and have insurance in place.
Head Instructor - John Collins 4th Duan Wei
Senior Instructor - Arrend Wymenga
Senior Instructor - Pauline Russell
Chris Bowe -Senior Instructor -Portugal
Ann Marie Maguire Senior Instructor - Co Cork
Rebecca Stevens - level 2 instructor Sligo
Aedin Twamley Level 1 Instructor - Co Wicklow
Noreen Tobin Level 1 Instructor - Co Kerry
Head Instructor - John Collins 4th Duan Wei
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